Meet the Team Tuesday | Barry

Meet The Team.
Barry | Sales Manager
This week we want to introduce you to one of our key team members, Barry. He is our Sales Manager for the Trade Accounts we have at Also Home. He joined Also Home two years ago having worked with Anna and Paul in a previous life! He has extensive knowledge and experience selling textiles and homewares and that has proven to be incredibly valuable to Also Home.

Barry is passionate about product and when he isn’t on the phone (!) he is often found in the design studio rummaging through the new products and developments that we are working on. Not only does he sell the range to our Trade Customers, he also works on a fair amount of business development for the Private Label part of the Also Home Business. All this keeps Barry pretty busy!

As a Sales Manager, Barry loves a good phone call (and a strong cup of Yorkshire tea) and has a wonderful way with our customers. So much so he is helping grow the business in a very significant way. When he joined Also Home, we had 5 Trade Accounts, 18 months on and we have around 80 Trade Accounts around the UK selling our branded products.

Barry is our main point of contact for all our Trade Accounts and is the face behind the brand at every Trade Fair that we do. He has a very easy going nature and you can see his love of the Also Home range when he sells it. His favourite products in our range are our Narvik Waffle Throws and our Narvik Waffle Cushions.

Barry lives in West Sussex with his wife, two teenage daughters and his new dog Stanley. Stanley often comes into the office at Also Home and is a great play mate and companion for Asia.

A keen gardener, Barry loves nothing more than spending his weekends pottering in his garden after a busy week at Also Home. I don’t think his feet have touched the ground since he joined us!
With thanks to Jon Reid from for his creativity and the time given to this photo shoot.